Michael Manfredo Michael Manfredo

Over Coming knee pain


Setbacks. Who wants them? But they are a reality in life and if viewed with the proper discernment we can even see they are often a blessing in disguise. I have had many setbacks in pretty much every area of my life and no, I don’t think this makes me unique but I do believe it’s beneficial to understand them so we can continue to grow.

One setback occurred as I was losing weight. I was 75 pounds overweight and the point of losing close to 60 pounds when my knees began hurting to the point where I couldn’t even do gentle walking meditation without knee pain. This was very discouraging for me so I became desperate to solve the issue as losing my momentum was not an option I was willing to take.

After physical therapists and orthopedic doctors couldn’t fully resolve my pain, I began to research Traditional Oriental Medicine and their view on knee pain. I discovered that knee pain can result from depleted kidney energy - if this is foreign to you, don’t worry, it was foreign for me too.

With a leap of faith and research I discovered the Back & Joint Strength herbal formula. With a little prayer and adjustments to my “leaky” lifestyle, I began to rejuvenate my vital energy, thus, giving my knees along with the rest of my body, the support it needed to continue the journey. It wasn’t just the formula but I began to emphasize yoga and tai chi instead of hard exercise to help my joints. This coupled with lifestyle adjustments allowed me to focus on conserving my energy and vitality. As my breathing and awareness evolved, my awareness in how well the herbs rejuvenated my body also grew. I continue to feel great and use this formula to support my vital energy and joint health.

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